
Breathwork has been known for decades as a natural path of healing. In Omnitropi we use our breathing and the social setting to be able to allow access to non-ordinary states of consciousness that makes it possible to heal deep wounds and get deep inspiration for change.

Omnitropi is a natural way of getting high if or when you wish to. Without any use of substances besides the breathing and the social setting, one can if one wants to, to the degree one wants to, enter into a state like on a low dosis LSD, but without all the side effects, unclearity and possible risks.

When you do Omnitropi regularly, you will be able to enter into an expanded state of mind, on your own wish.

Omnitropi is build of three different approaches.

First and foremost, the method of Holotropic Breathwork, that was developed by the psychiatrist Stanislav Grof when he and a bunch of other psychiatrists all over the world were forbidden to continue their research with LSD as a tool for helping people. Holotropic breathwork is a therapeutic breathwork technique, that naturally leads to an expanded state of mind that is like a low dose of LSD. Psychedelics is now again being researched as a medicine ex. against depression, but to my experience, learning how to get naturally high, is more effective and have fewer risks.

The more safe you are, the more you will be able to enter into this healing field. The social setting for the workshops therefore grew from the same social setting needed to solve conflicts, that is the same as the social settings needed in a well functioning democracy. Non violent communication (NVC) is the base, and the method was developed by Marshall Rosenberg and is a form of inner and outer conflict management.

When supporting healing, giving the body the building blocks it needs to build these changes, is crucial. Therefore we have focus on eating healthy and delicious food, inspired by professor in medicine, Terry Wahls.

Omnitropi is a natural way of going into an expanded state of mind in a healing social setting. But, in contrast to drugs, it is you who are in full control. At any given point you can choose to return to just being in your everyday consciousness, and you fully control the power of what is happening, and your psyche only opens up to what feels safe to contain here and now.

The more you try this method, the easier it is for you also in your everyday life, to go into an expanded state of mind, when it is needed or if you wish to. Ex. when cooperating with your body that starts to shake and hyperventilate after an accident, or when giving birth, or just in general not to flee from when you feel discomfort, but be able to stay in it, and be constructive and find solutions you feel good about, but also not to have to take any substances to get high, because you get more and more access to how to do it naturally.

This is the deepest healing method I know. With therapy that uses language as the basic tool you can reach the level of what is stored in language, so it is not possible to have access to stuff stored from you are younger than about two years, and it is common knowledge in the world of psychology, that the younger a person is the more what ever they experience, sets its mark, for good or bad. With Omnitropi you can ex. heal birth experiences, and the first years of your life. And, by healing your self, you also heal the world.

The social structure represented and lived by all at the workshop, gives tools for bringning more of paradise into your everyday life, by getting tools for meeting your self and others in a more contstructive way, cooperating towards the wellbeing of all.

You are welcome to come for a free information evening, to ask questions, and to get to know more, to better feel into, if this is something for you, to test.

Omnitropi expands the ability to be in strong emotions and extreme conditions, good and bad, and be centered, calm and constructive.